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Nitric Oxide and Health


Ask anyone what causes a sudden coronary attack and they will say it’s the result of high blood cholesterol, lack of exercise, obesity or smoking. Now, a report in the publication “LifeExtension” says doctors you must start thinking about the “endothelium”. So what makes so vital? And what natural remedies make it healthy?

The endothelium is the ultra-thin, one cell thick, innermost lining of arteries. It produces nitric oxide. And it’s ironic that just this single layer of cells, if unhealthy, can result in decreased blood circulation, hardening of arteries, and is a major cause of the big killers, high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke.

During our early years, a youthful endothelium is healthy due to the production of nitric oxide (NO). But as we age, our body’s production of NO decreases, and any of the three big threats can prematurely end our lives.

So how can we boost the production of NO as we age and decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease? Until recently, this presented a challenge for doctors.

A good start is to eat dark leafy vegetables such as spinach, drink apple juice and eat small amounts of dark chocolate. If you enjoy a glass of red wine with dinner this also adds to the amount of nitric oxide. It’s also prudent to take a brisk walk daily as this has the same effect.

Researchers at LifeExtension report that both laboratory and human studies show that pomegranate extracts can lower blood pressure, triglycerides and improve HDL, the good cholesterol.

Equally important, pomegranate has also been found to protect the eNos enzyme from the oxidative chemical stresses that damage it. This results in increased levels of nitric oxide which can shrink atherosclerotic plaques, increase blood flow and decrease hypertension.

For years doctors have known that nitroglycerine eases coronary pain by dilating arteries. But the mystery was why arteries expanded. Three Nobel Prize winners have now proven it is due to the miracle molecule, NO.

Why a “miracle molecule”? Because NO also helps to decrease the risk of diabetes complications by increasing circulation, easing nerve and joint inflammation.

If you would like to know how you can improve your Nitric Oxide productions then click the link below.

Why Nitric Oxide